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Stealth Waffle

This is to remind us to pay attention and keep on our game!! It is a fully carbonised Han–.. no, no! WAFFLE that "Some One" forgot about in the waffle iron, in a galaxy far, far away... but more importantly it always fills me with wonder at the fact that cooking and food and drink, is chemistry and physics and biology – as well as culture, history and life. It is a great example of how foolish pigeon-holing of things into discreet, sub-divided groups that bear no relation to each other, will only diminish and limit each individual thing. An acknowledgement that all things are part of a fluid, inter-connected whole opens up possibilities. Stock and stew are just variations on a theme. Cake and concrete are part of one continuous spectrum. Jupiter's ice moons are subject to the same laws and forces as caramel and ice-cream. Haggis is just a particular sort of sausage, curry is stew, and kimchi is more like sauerkraut than not. You can have a hard-hitting symphony of flavour and smell the colour of the wind. We are one. Food is love. Human culture is unique in the Universe. Let us come together to celebrate it as a whole, not divide it up and squabble over whose is whose and what is ours. Food is love and what the world needs now is food sweet food.

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